Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Wow, this decade sure has flown by. I think it was a great nine years. Obviously alot for me has changed because in 2000 I was enrolling in kindergarden and now I'm in highschool. But I really look forward to the next ten years in my life. Now as I head out with my friends to celebrate the last night of '09 I wish everyone the best of happiness for 2010.

zooey via ( mkash via (people)


  1. Thank you Lilee!!
    Happy New Year to you both!

  2. happy new year! i'm so happy you stopped by my blog. you do such a beautiful job with your posts. i share your love for zooey and (500) days of summer. i'll be sure to add you to my blogroll and visit again.
    xoxox, plaid&simple.


Thanks for leaving a note, it's much appreciated! xoxo Shelby